In Victoria, a broad range of sectors and related services have previously been responding to hoarding and squalor situations, often in isolation from one another. Now, a forum called the Maroondah Hoarding and Squalor Network has been developed for local agencies and community groups confronted with hoarding and squalor issues, to come together, develop relationships, share skills and knowledge and establish positive collaborative outcomes for the community.
Key Resources
The network recommends the following resources to assist in the management and long term treatment of issues related to hoarding and squalid environments:
Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria (ARC Vic)
ARC Vic helps to define the many stages of acquisition and the links to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and depression/anxiety.
Clutter Image Rating Scale
It can be difficult to determine whether or not a person’s collecting is uncontrolled. This tool will help to identify someone who is demonstrating clutter related behaviour.
Department of Health and Human Services: Hoarding and Squalor
Identifying, responding and resolving cluttered and compromised living conditions can be complex. DHHS has developed an information guide to assist in the management of these situations.
EMPHN Psychological Strategies Program (formerly know as ATAPS)
This re-branded program is part of the Eastern Metropolitan Primary Health Network stepped care model developed with the aim of improving pathways of mental health support that evolve as an individual’s needs change.
Access to the program is through a referral process instigated by a General Practitioner.
Eastern Metro Region Mental Health Navigation Tool
This has been developed to improve access to mental health services and help service providers identify the right support path required.
Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV)
Contact FRV for inspections, specialist advice and services
Hoarding Home Solutions
Training courses to assist individuals, service providers and professionals in dealing with hoarding issues.