Emergency Assistance
For emergencies where immediate police, fire or ambulance assistance is required, phone triple zero (000)
Phone 13 11 14
Neighbourly Disputes
It is important to not get into disputes with neighbours about their hoarding and squalor behaviours and habits. If a dispute with a neighbour occurs, please contact council’s Local Laws team for further assistance. However, if a situation escalates and concerns are raised regarding a person’s safety, please call 000.
Local Emergency Response Services
Ambulance Victoria
If you require an emergency ambulance, please call 000.
Country Fire Authority
Email: Res.referral@cfa.vic.gov.au
Croydon Police Station
175 Mount Dandenong Road, Croydon VIC 3136
Phone 03 9724 0100
Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV)
Phone: 03 9665 3971
Email: AtRiskGroups@frv.vic.gov.au
Ringwood Police Station
31 Ringwood Street, Ringwood VIC 3134
Phone 03 9871 3000
Victorian Police
Non Emergency Crime
Contact your local police station via phone or in person to report non-emergency crime incidents.